Player Profile

Modern Warfare 3

#65 of 547
Overall Ranking
Total Kills
Total Deaths
Kills Per Death
Perfomance Rating
Score Per Minute
Last Map Played
INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Last Server Played
1 week
Of Play Time
102 weeks
Since First Connection
1 hour
Since Last Seen
an hour ago

Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
3 days ago

Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
6 days ago

Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
took 20 min to get in here
hey kai
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF TP Jugg
Connected to INF TP Jugg
12 days ago

Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Connected to INF Classic Bounce 24/7
Disconnected from INF Classic Bounce 24/7
whos got top rank ?
z1ko ur just insane
30 more to go ?
nice leon